Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday at Random

The buns and the cat have today off. What follows are random pictures from a garden that must withstand temps of 26 degrees F to 106 degrees F, water regulations in winter that are once a week either Sat or Sun before 10am and after 7 pm, summer water regulations that are 3 x week before 10am and after 7 pm (no auto sprinklers here), benign neglect, accidental Roundup weedkiller drift, assorted animal attacks, and pruning so that the plants leave some room on the sidewalk for people. There are also some plants that never get watered unless it rains. Needless to say, the best tag for this yard would be "survival of the fittest"--or, perhaps, the inanimate.

1. Matilija poppy
2. Nandina
3. Bear's Breeches, Acanthus Mollis
4. Lavender
5. Evergreen bush that doesn't get watered


  1. Been wondering where my flamingos went. Am liking the kitty and the other little critters.

    We haven't any watering restrictions so far this year. Usually don't unless there is serious water shortage like we had a couple of years ago. The rest of your descriptions of your gardening techniques sound rather like mine.

  2. Amazing what you can do with so little water. And great to see the flamingos. The plastic pink flamingo was invented here in Leominster, Ma. They still make them from the original mold, with the signature of Don Featherstone, the artist, on it. Something really cool? He and his wife have worn matching outfits, that she sews, from the day they were married until the present. Some of the outfits get pretty wild!

  3. Learn some amazing stuff from these blogs!

    Garden looks great - I like to treat stuff harsh - then the tuff stuff survives and does well. But Roundup? - Uh, No!
