Monday, November 8, 2010

Three Boxes to go until Xmas

Bertie and Mercedes present a retrospective outsider art installation of the remaining 3 boxes. By Xmas, if not before, they will be requiring more boxes.

Bertie and Mercedes: "If you ever need to know where your person is at 3:30 am, box deconstruction is better than GPS, especially if done on a hard surface and not carpet. You can get a really good "someone is breaking into the house" effect simply by ripping up the floor of the box: this makes it bounce on the hard floor surface and make a very satisfactory racket. It brings the person every time as long as they have not taken to sleeping with industrial strength earplugs. (We are working on ways of circumventing the effectiveness of such earplugs for a future post.)"

We hope you enjoy our display. We do not allow photographs/videos of the work while it is being done in order to prevent copyright infringement.


  1. Some very fine examples of Bun-Modern Deconstructivism. Are there postcards available in the gift shop?

  2. HAH! Your human must be a light sleeper.

  3. Don't need to see pix of the perps. It is quite obvious. Clues everywhere. Good work.

  4. Mickey has no such luck; his human is always awake at 3:00am--although he has managed to time his ruckus to start just as she is suitably comfy in bed and ready to fall asleep on occasion. He says it is her fault for providing him with the JingleBall of Doom.

  5. The JingleBall of Doom--so that's what you call those things.

    We have lots of fur bearing artists in this household, so always some noise, construction, deconstruction, excavation, renovation going on. Usually accompanied by serious thumping or skidding across non-carpeted surfaces. No rest for the weary.

  6. One of the most exciting on-going bunart installation deconstructions of the year.
