Tuesday, February 21, 2012

False Sense of Security?

Fargo seems to have it all. He is an only cat. He has a designated 3 dish feeder with an auxiliary plate for special treats. He has his own shelf in the cupboard. He has taken over the office chair. And yet...are plans afoot to depose the Cat King?


  1. Never underestimate the brain of a lagomorph...plans are without doubt a paw.

  2. Of course there are plans--there are always plans when a cat is taking up a position intended for rabbits. Sorry, Fargo, but your days as king are surely numbered. :)

  3. Definitely looks like trouble brewing....

  4. Well - cats are weird and those two bunns are coniving and so things are going to pop here soon!

  5. Certainly looks like some conspiring is taking place. And if it's like at my house, the buns will be chasing the cat...

  6. Don't worry Fargo the Buns will only gang up on you just a little bit cuase we buns love to chase!
