Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday at Random

The buns and the cat have today off. What follows are random pictures from a garden that must withstand temps of 26 degrees F to 106 degrees F, water regulations in winter that are once a week either Sat or Sun before 10am and after 7 pm, summer water regulations that are 3 x week before 10am and after 7 pm (no auto sprinklers here), benign neglect, accidental Roundup weedkiller drift, assorted animal attacks, and pruning so that the plants leave some room on the sidewalk for people. There are also some plants that never get watered unless it rains. Needless to say, the best tag for this yard would be "survival of the fittest"--or, perhaps, the inanimate.

1. Matilija poppy
2. Nandina
3. Bear's Breeches, Acanthus Mollis
4. Lavender
5. Evergreen bush that doesn't get watered

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Morning Kibblers

The Monday Morning Kibblers group meets promptly at 6 am. Seating is limited, so be sure to arrive promptly. Refills are not provided. It is possible to BYOH, but a sweeping charge will be added to your tab.We are working on establishing a wifi network, so that those members who cannot attend in person can keep in touch with their social network remotely. Future roundtable topics include: "How to source organic vegetables", "Psyching out your human to your best advantage", "Top 10 Bun Spa Vacations", and "3 am activities to keep your human entertained". Hope to see you here.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Bunspection


Monday, May 9, 2011

Mondays are good box days.

Mercedes says that after relaxing on the weekend, nothing gets a bun back into weekday sync like box shredding.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Which Bun is "Vegging"?

Monday conundrum:

1. Bertie is eating vegetables. Can he be said to be "vegging"?


2. Mercedes is resting. Can she be said to be "vegging" also?